Travel & Vacations Explainer Toolkit 17339134 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates
After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5 | No plugins | 1920x1080 | 127 Mb
Travel & Vacations Explainer Toolkit
Does your business deal with tourism? Hotels? Cruises? Train sail business or leisure traveling? Pass the information to your audience in a fresh way customize everything upon your needs Or mix and match and create your own unique story.
Does your business deal with tourism? Hotels? Cruises? Train sail business or leisure traveling? Pass the information to your audience in a fresh way customize everything upon your needs Or mix and match and create your own unique story.
Explainer Videos are best used to simplify a potentially complicated or controversial topic. They tend to resonate with audiences who may not be interested in sitting down to read a full blog post on an important topic. Plus, these videos are highly shareable across all social media channels, making them a great attention-grabber to attract new patients.
By sharing these videos on social media your company embodies what it means to build trust with your target audience.
- 25 Premade Characters
- 42 Ready to use Character Animations
- Most Character Animations Available in 2 Durations 5 & 15 Seconds
- Build in Rigging System to Make your Character Animations
- Lip-Sync Automation with one click
- Hundrents of Animated Elements including Landmarks
- 30 Ready Animated Scenes
- 17 Sound Effects
Main Features
- 100% After Effects (No Pre-renders)
- CS5 CS5.5 CS6 CC Compatibility
- Scalable Resolution
- No plugins required
- Modular
- Animated Elements Color Controls
- Universaliser Controller
- Video Tutorial
Additional Info:
- Male/Female (on/Off)
- Skin Tone
- Foulard ON/OFF
- Head Size
- Hair Controls
- Bear/Moustache Controls
- Hats
- Eyes & Eyebrows Controls
- Glasses
- Shoes Controls
- Outfit Controls
Creator Menu In Brief:
- Audio Used: Tropical Sunrise, Tropical, To Be Happy, Whistling Swing, Vacation